What should we do to prevent drug abuse?
Police have arrested two men in Borikhamxay province on charges of selling a coffee product mixed with habit-forming substances. The recreational drug has become popular with youngsters and produces a feeling of euphoria. But taken in large quantities it can pose a health risk. Vientiane Times asked members of the public for their thoughts on this disturbing trend.
Mr Kaivichit, a resident of Huaphan province: I think the authorities should ban this product. By taking a stand, it will prevent young people and others who are unaware of the risks from trying something they don’t know much about, simply because their friends do it. Parents should be educated about the dangers involved so they can warn their children about the consequences and possible health risks. If children are guided by their parents from a young age, it would decrease the use of drugs. There are laws that prohibit the use and sale of drugs and these should be enforced. Educating the public and enforcing laws, I believe, will serve to reduce drug abuse.
Ms Bangkham, a government official in Borikhamxay province: I have heard about people drinking this kind of coffee, which is supposed to make you feel happy. But too much of it can damage our health and may even cause death. I don’t know much about it, but I think that if a person drinks too much they could become addicted. In the end, it’s up to the user to control their intake. I urge youngsters to steer clear of this recreational drug and to advise their friends to do the same. We have no idea what the health risks might be and it’s not a good idea for people to mess with their brains.
Ms Maly Inthaxay, a resident of Xaythany district, Vientiane: I don’t think it’s good for anyone to use this coffee or any other type of drug around young people. Not only are youngsters likely to copy the behaviour of others, they’re also at risk of exposure to chemicals that can be harmful to their health. Parents and other adults should do their part to reduce young people’s exposure to all types of drugs.
Ms Bualein, a resident of Vientiane: As we know, drugs are a threat to everyone’s wellbeing, including our health. We should stay away from addictive substances and take advice from parents, teachers and older people, who can give youngsters sound guidance. Parents should spend more time with their children, share in their lives, and take a greater interest in their education, because it’s not only money that brings happiness. Children and young people want to feel loved by their parents. They should be guided by them when it comes to values and morals and feel embraced by family unity. A supportive family is a great protection against temptation to fall into bad ways.
By Lamphone Pasanthong
(Latest Update September 29, 2022) |